AUTHORS: Worawat Choensawat and Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn

ABSTRACT: Visual aircraft recognition (VACR) is a visual skill taught to military personnel to recognize the external appear-ance of the aircraft, both friendly and hostile, most likely to be encountered. It is important for air defense and military intelligence gathering. In training, many media are used such as scale models, printed silhouette charts, slide projectors, and computer-aided instruction. However, none of the above media allows practitioners to experience real environment-liked such as visibility on rainy days, cloudy days, nighttime and the actual flight characteristics of aircraft. This paper proposed a simulation system based on virtual reality for VACR training that allows training practitioners in realistic virtual environments and able to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. The system consists of the various types of aircraft models, AI modules for weather simulation and flight patterns according to the characteristics of each type of aircraft, terrain modeling, and the evaluating system.

Keywords: -

LINK: Recognition Training Simulator using Virtual Reality.pdf


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